Self Journal

Today’s quote is from one of the early pages of my new Self Journal, which you can check out here. It’s a combination journal and daily planner, specifically designed to help you reach your goals in 13 weeks.

I’ve been using it about 3 weeks so far, and don’t feel it’s practical to use as a planner long term, but love the journaling questions and goal setting features. 

As the quote says, we are what we repeatedly do. The best way to begin taking steps toward your goal are to start news habits. You don’t have to start with every day, start with what makes you comfortable. 

Maybe your goal is to exercise for 30 minutes every day, but if starting from no exercise it all, it may be more realistic for you to exercise for 30 minutes once a week. Once you can do that consistently, increase it to twice a week, and so on and so forth. 

Self Journal encourages you to plan out every day and stick to a schedule, but that’s not always practical for everyone. For example, I can plan to be at work from 9-5 each day, but I’m not able to plan out specifically what tasks I’ll work on during the day because I have the type of job where I don’t know what’s going to hit my inbox until it does. 

I also think trying to stick to a strict schedule runs the risk of over-planning and decreasing your productivity. For example, I’m writing a novel, and while I plan to work on it on the days I have no plans after work so I have more time to focus on the book, I can’t plan to be inspired. If I plan to spend an hour writing on Tuesday and then nothing comes to me, I end up beating myself up for not completing the task. So it makes more sense for me to set a set number of hours writing by the end of the week, but staying flexible with exactly when those hours take place. 

What habits are you starting to reach a goal?